
Company Structure

Newman House Literary Centre, Company Limited By Guarantee (the ‘Company’), trading as Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI), is a wholly owned subsidiary of University College Dublin (UCD). The financial statements of MoLI are thus consolidated into UCD’s overall financial statements.

MoLI is a collaboration between University College Dublin and the National Library Of Ireland (NLI) and is constituted to establish and operate a dedicated educational and visitor centre relating to the life and works of James Joyce and other notable Irish writers at Newman House, Dublin 2; and to undertake associated and ancillary activities related to same.

Board Of Directors

MoLI may have up to a maximum of seven Directors at any one time. Up to four Directors may be appointed by UCD, two by the NLI, with the seventh Director acting as independent Chairman and being appointed by UCD.

The appointing parties ensure that there exists a wide spread of financial, governance and mission specific expertise amongst Board members at all times. This is done in the hopes that the combined knowledge of the Board members contributes positively to the long term success and sustainability of the Company. In addition, where deemed appropriate by the Chairman, non Board members in the employ of the Company and the two appointing parties whose expertise is deemed to be of value are invited to attend Board meetings.

The Directors provide oversight of MoLI operations and ensure that at all times the Company operates to the highest standards of corporate governance, ethical behaviour and fiduciary care; whilst being cognizant of the core Vision, Mission and Values of the Company.

The Directors also make certain that there exists a long term strategy and vision for the continued success of the Company at all times and that there is a continuous oversight and ongoing assessment of same.

No Board members nor the Company Secretary are remunerated by the Company.

Board members

P.J. Barron
Peter Coulahan (Secretary)
Geoffrey Keating (Chair)
Prof. Margaret Kelleher
Richael Leahy
Dr Sinéad McCoole
Dr. Audrey Whitty

Advisory Committees

In order to gain access to expertise relating to the constituted aims of the Company, the Board has established an Academic Advisory Committee and a Cultural Content Committee. These committees are Chaired by Board members, and are composed of persons who are considered by the Board to have the prerequisite qualifications to allow them to make a positive contribution to the long term success of MoLI.

Audit & Financial Reporting

The Board and the Company Secretary ensures that the financial activities of the Company are consistently subject to independent audit by an external party. The Company Secretary ensures that any concerns expressed by same are brought to the Board’s attention.

In addition, as a wholly owned subsidiary of UCD, the financial aspects of the Company’s operations are subject to scrutiny by the University’s Internal Auditors, and its Finance, Remuneration and Asset Management Committee.


At all times MoLI strives to ensure the highest levels of corporate governance and accountability. A culture of openness, collegiality and respect is fostered by both the executive and the Board. In particular the Board encourages feedback from the wider MoLI family of staff and volunteers, who can raise any issues in relation to the operations of the Company with the Museum Director or the Company Secretary.

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